Aiden's Team Mom for baseball has gotten some great pictures of him during the season. Thank goodness...because I have been slacking. Aiden is doing much better with batting but his fielding could use a lot of work. He is still trying to decide what sport he is interested in so he still has time. I think Aiden might be our artsy kid. He loves to draw, sing and play the piano. Although he is a lefty and my brother (former pitcher) and Papa would be a little upset if he didn't stick with baseball.
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Doesn't he look interested??? |
This picture is right after he made it into home. Can you tell he is excited?!? |
I took a few days off work during the boy's spring break so I could spend some good one on one time with them. I had major Mommy guilt because Izzy still went to daycare but the boy's needed some special time.
Nana and I took the kids to the Gran Maze in Panama City Beach. I am so glad we went in March because we were so hot. I can not imagine trying to find my way out of a human maze during the heat of summer. We split up and somehow Ethan finished about 45 minutes before all of us. I was getting a little worried because he was the one person that we didn't keep running into and I finally climbed onto the bridge and looked over at the nice, cool cabana at the exit to find him laying in the shade relaxing. I felt like the rat that couldn't figure out how to get to the cheese.
Seriously... how do we get out of here??? |
Help us!! We are lost and so hungry and thirsty. |
Ryan had another plant sale at the Market Day in Niceville so the boys and I were on hand to help out. Thankfully, Nana played with Izzy for the day so she wasn't stuck outside.
The boys tried to spend all of our earnings from the plant sale on snacks. Aiden got the idea of becoming a street performer. He put a plant pot out with a dollar bill and started singing. Yes... he has no fear! Ryan asked me to please make him stop but you can't crush a kid's dream, right?? Until, Aiden asked Ethan to be his dancer and Ryan put his foot down. He paid Ethan a dollar to not dance.
Brotherly/Sisterly love...
This little guy... Pip Squeak and his adopted brother (Bugsy) have found a new home. I posted them on Craigslist and by 11am the next day, they had found a new forever home. The boys made me promise to ask that that these little guys weren't going to be a snack for another animal.
Just hanging with Mommy...
Izzy got a little too much sun at her brother's baseball game. Bad Mommy! |
Sister doesn't like to share the remote. I wonder where she got that from??
Izzy got some new kicks. Ryan was a little unsure but that's ok... Mommy and Izzy love them!
Her new favorite way to sit and watch TV. She also does this when she needs to go potty (#2). Maybe this is a sign that we need to start introducing her to potty training. I wonder what she would do if we sat her on the toilet?? Might have to try and find out. We could be pleasantly surprised and be on our way to a diaper free family.
Just chilling after a long day at school. Being a kid is hard work!
I sure do miss this little girl when I am working!! I miss her brothers too but they won't sit still long enough for a picture these days.
Practicing her cruising around furniture.
Look who got to try some chicken. It is only a chicken nugget so I am not too sure how much actual chicken is in there, but he did great. We are trying a little bit at a time when he is ready and hopefully we can mark this off of his allergy list. He will eventually have to go in for a food challenge to officially remove chicken but this is a good sign! His list is finally shrinking and hopefully he will eventually out grow all of his food allergies.
Sister got some cute new shades but she won't leave them on for anything. Boo!
Like Mother like daughter...leopard print shoes.
My two singers...
This picture was taken right before Izzy got kicked out of the church service (by me not by Pastor). Doesn't she look so innocent?? Don't let her fool you!
Being silly at Ethan and Aiden's baseball game. Izzy is a great sport with being toted all over the place for her brother's activities. She is learning to go with the flow.
This past weekend, we went to the Sasser home place for a fish fry. The boys fished and played until they were worn out. I was already worn out so I got a little nap in with Owen before heading home. The advantage of having babies around... they need to nap and you can't leave them unattended. That's my story and I am sticking to it!
I just don't believe it! |
No- No Mommy... No more pictures! |
Owen and Izzy just chilling in the sun. |
Now, we are all caught up on what has been happening with the Little Holt's. We have been busy and life is never dull with our family but we wouldn't have it any other way.