The Barfield/Holt family took a long weekend and headed to Atlanta. We had a packed, fun filled weekend planned.
We got on the road Thursday afternoon. The kids were great and stayed occupied by napping, eating candy and playing games.
Friday morning, we got up and headed to Six Flags. We picked the perfect day to go- no lines, small crowds and a nice cool breeze.
The boys are ready to hit the park! Their first visit to Six Flags. |
Izzy just can't believe it! |
Izzy did a lot of walking around Skull Island. We were so proud of her. She usually takes about 4 steps and then sits down. Sister doesn't want to over do it but this trip... she was a walking queen!
After a few rides, the kids had to cool off in Skull Island. They had a blast at the mini water park.
Skull Island- SIx Flags water area. |
Unlike us adults, the kids didn't mind walking around the park wet.
Waiting for everyone to finish up on the bumper cars. |
Roller Coaster time...
Aiden loves roller coasters and he is getting tall enough to ride most of them. Ethan is a little more timid but once we convince him to ride... he loves them (just like his Mommy as a kid).
Do you think they had fun on the Ninja?!? |
Papa and Mikayla- Great American Scream Machine |
Aiden and the Batman car |
Aiden and I rode the Great American Scream machine. Note to self... you are too old for this ride. I felt like I had been in a car accident and was so sore for the next few days. Oh, and I lost my sunglasses and then found them (thankfully they were only $5). They flew off behind me but somehow ended up three rows in front of me. Hmmm... |
Merry go round-Izzy wasn't a fan of the horses once we got close so we opted for sitting in a carriage. |
The Littles couldn't hang with the big kids. |
You won't see any pictures of me after the morning. Some how, we were talked into riding Splash Falls and Thunder River and I got drenched. I looked like a drowned rat walking around for the rest of the day.
Saturday, we went to a Braves game. We are not used to big city traffic. We left over an hour early and we were still late for the game. Boo!
A quick trip to- where else... Target.
Izzy and Papa reading a magazine during innings. |
We got in our exercise for the day by doing the Tomahawk chop. Approximately 500 chops- changes arms often = sore arms the next day.
Izzy was a hit with the other Braves' fans sitting near us. She entertained everyone during the down times. It was a great game and the Braves pulled out the win with the very last hit. We like to think that we were their good luck charm for the day!
We also fit in some late night swims. On vacation, you are allowed to break the rules! The water was too cold for my taste but the kids didn't let that stop them.
I think Aiden was a little cold but he refused to admit it. |
Sunday was Father's day and Ryan woke up with candy bars on top of him (Ethan's idea). The only problem... Ryan kept tossing and turning so I had to keep placing them back on top of him. My work is never done.
We all slept in late which was so nice! We headed to Ikea to first get a little breakfast and then shop.
What is a trip to Atlanta without visiting Ikea?? Not my kind of trip!
Ethan is now too tall to go into the kid's play area so Ikea is no longer a favorite of his. He had to be a big boy and walk around the store with Mommy- BORING!
Once we were done shopping, we waited for everyone else by lounging in the outside furniture seciton. I am sure Ikea was happy with us.
Don't mind us... just making ourselves at home. |
We headed back home on Monday. We had a great time with our family and made lotsof memories. Now to get back to reality! Do we have to?!?
Oh, I failed to mention... the boys got along so well. That is HUGE these days. At ages 9 and 7 (or 8/6 or 7/5... ) the boys will fight over anything and everything. Temper tantrums gallore. We have literally threatened to never go on another vacation for the rest of their natural life. Obviously, we didn't follow through with that one- sometimes we can go a little overboard with their punishments and have to back track a bit. Now, don't get me wrong... there was a little tiff here and there but I can handle that. My boys might be finally growing up and maturing a bit! A Mama can dream, right?!?