After the soccer game on Saturday, we headed up to Chipley for the annual Sasser Reunion (Nana's side). The boys love going to Chipley because they get to fish and play outside all day long.
As soon as we got there, we tried some fishing but that lasted about 5 minutes with the boys. The fish were sleeping so they could have cared less. At least this year Aiden tried. Last year... he would have nothing to do with it.
And then they were off to play.- Aiden and Ian
After dinner, they had set up an activity for the kids called ductagomi. They had to make something out of duct tape. (In honor of our Grandpa who used duct tape for everything) We joked that he would roll over in his grave if he knew we were wasting all of that duct tape. Ryan even participated in the activity and here are some of the final creations.
Getting started with their ductagomi
This is Ryan's creation. It took him about an hour. Stephanie helped with the accessories.
This is Ethan's final creation. A watch- again Stephanie helped with the accessories.
and this... is Aiden's speed boat.
Then we made homemade ice cream and there were 9 different flavors. I think we tried them all!
On Sunday morning, the boys got up early for the fishing contest. Mommy got to rest and eat some good breakfast at Aunt Gloria's.
Ethan still didn't catch any fish but he had fun trying. They were each given an award for their participation. Aiden received an award for best supervisor. He made sure everyone had everything they needed. Before lunch we took a ride on the 4 wheeler. This is a first for us so we all enjoyed ourselves (even Mommy).
Daddy getting his first lesson...

Here are the boys getting their awards for either the fishing tournament or the ductagomi. Notice... they are made out of duct tape.

We have been talking a lot about duct tape so of course there was an incident with Aiden and his gag reflex. On Sunday morning, we started with a nose bleed. Then later in the day, he comes running over to us saying he needs to go to Aunt Gloria's house. We explained that no one is at the house and at that point he started gagging as he mentioned something was on his shoe. Ryan pulled the grass off of his shoe and he immediately started throwing up! I ran him to the trash can and in between gagging and throwing up he finally was able to explain that there was some jelly on his shoe. I removed his shoe and Ryan took it to clean it off. Nope... it wasn't jelly. It was red duct tape! Hopefully he grows out of this very soon.
We had a great time visiting with family that we haven't seen in a while and the boys played until they couldn't play anymore.