Here he is coloring while waiting for the results. As you can see... some are already showing highly allergic. Poor baby!
We weren't able to mark anything off of his list of allergies this time and we only have to add dust mites, so that isn't too bad. He is still allergic to the following: peas, peanuts, chicken, turkey, eggs, cats, dogs and now dust mites. We are hoping that some of these disappear as he gets older. It would be nice if we could mark some of these off before school next year so I won't be as nervous. He is very good at knowing what he can have and is not afraid to tell you if you are about to feed him something he knows will make him sick but Mommy still worries.
We learned today why he is having the nose bleeds so often. It seems his little nose is raw. Ouch!! So the Dr. explained how to fix this problem so we will get right on that starting today.
We are also learning that some restaurants use different types of oil to fry their food which is also a reason he gets sick with foods we know he can eat. (Just to make things a little more difficult for us) Example: He isn't allowed to eat at Dairy Queen because he gets sick every time he goes there. We order the popcorn shrimp which we know he can eat. I was thinking that they might be frying the chicken in the same oil as the popcorn shrimp and this was making him sick. The doctor seems to think that they might be using peanut oil and since he is allergic to peanuts, this is the problem. He knows that Chick-fil-a uses peanut oil so other restaurants might as well. We end up staying away from Chick-fil-a since Ryan and Aiden are both allergic to chicken so I would have never known.
The doctor would like us to set up a food challenge with either chicken and/or turkey to see if he does have any reactions when eating these foods. I know that this would open up a lot more options of things he can eat but I know that he gets sick when he accidentally eats these things. Right now, I am having a hard time thinking about giving him something on purpose that I know will make him sick just to see what type of reaction he might have. Trust me... I have been thrown up on numerous times due to these allergies. At this point, I am not sure I want to test him but we will see.
Aiden will go back in 6 months for his next appointment. At that time, the doctor will re-evaluate his inhalers to see if we can eliminate or lessen any of his dosages.
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