Isabelle had to make a visit to her pediatrician this afternoon. She has been getting sick after some of her feedings so we were cautious and decided to make an appointment. Good thing we did because her left ear is starting to get infected and she has a little rattle in her chest. It is amazing how quick an ear infection can start especially since we went to the ENT on Friday and she was clear. So... we are back on antibiotics, nebulizer and saline drops. Hopefully all of this kicks in and clears everything up quickly. She of course, is still her happy and laid back self and you would never know anything was wrong.
We did prop her up in her boppy last night to sleep and she slept all night without getting sick. Mommy on the other hand, couldn't sleep a bit. Oh well... sleep is over rated!
She is pretty cute though! |
Last night, I finally got motivated enough to get on the treadmill. I started off slow with a mile but least I started. The treadmill is a big deal in our house. The boys love it and
annoy ask constantly when I am going to get on the treadmill (or tread
emill according to Aiden). If I were overly self conscious I would begin to think they were trying to give me a subtle hint. So, I snuck downstairs so I could start without the constant asking of "are you almost done, is it my turn yet??" and soon I begin to see little eyes peeking around the corner of the stairs. A few minutes later, I see 2 boys coming down the stairs in the newest workout wear. I thought I would let you take a glimpse in case you wanted to follow their trend...
Nice, huh?!? I think I will pass but at least they were comfortable during their workout.
Your boys crack me up! Sounds like your house is as crazy as ours! Izzy is just adorable!
Your boys are so cute and funny! The house is really lively with them running around and going about their antics. They’re just like my kids! Anyway, I’m glad Izzy was still as bubbly in spite of the ear infection. You were lucky she did not fuss and was able to sleep well, unlike most babies. I like hearing about such motherly episodes since they remind me of my own experiences. =)
Chalice Lindgren
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