Monday, July 16, 2012

Beach pictures

My friend- Angie- took some great pictures of the kids over the 4th of July holiday. (thanks for leaving me out of most of the pictures... Mama isn't ready to be in pictures just yet!)  She captured the kid's personalities perfectly and now the hard decision... to choose which ones to hang in the house.  Decisions...decisions. 
Isabelle loves the water and her Daddy!

Her BFF- Ethan- is always close by.

Ethan and Aiden

Sister loves to eat sand. Gross!

Isabelle has had a little too much sand at this point.  She is looking a bit tipsy.

It didn't take long for them to start wrestling in the sand.  It is what they do best!

Love my babies!

Aiden's personality shining through!

Jordan, Sydne Kate and the kids

Jordan and Izzy- Izzy's first little crush!

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