Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Today I am thankful for...

I always wanted a little girl the only thing I didn't know is that I needed this little girl. 
The pregnancy was rough after finding out about Isabelle's DS and heart defect.  I didn't understand and there were a lot of "God...why me!".  The diagnosis was extremely hard to accept in the beginning and I went through some very tough emotions.  Some of those raw emotions I am not proud of and they are hard to think about to this day, but I have/had to let go of the guilt and know that I always loved Isabelle from the beginning (zero doubt about that!).  She was always the daughter I was meant to have.  I just needed time to realize that. 

OHS- Sept 2011
Isabelle has already taught me so much.  I have learned that she is a true fighter- through her birth, NICU stay and OHS- and also that I am a lot stronger than I initially thought.  Most of the time you think- I could never make it through a situation like that (whatever that situation might be).  But when you are going through it, you find strength that you didn't know you had.  I found my strength because my baby needed me.  She is more alike than different.  She is a baby who happens to have Down Syndrome.

Isabelle is getting a lot stronger and she is doing new things every week. It takes her a little longer to do the same things a typical baby does but she is getting it and we celebrate BIG. Just this week, she finally decided to get into a sitting position from lying down- properly- and you would have thought we had won the lottery. The thing is... this little girl is stubborn. She knows how to do a lot more than we give her credit. She just wants to keep everyone guessing as to when she will decide to show us.

Can anyone say Gymnastics might be in this girl's future?!?
We are quickly learning that we can't take Isabelle anywhere without someone stopping us or coming over to talk to her. Sometimes, a Mama just wants to run in a store and run out but Ms. Priss starts waving at folks and it is all over from there. Sister loves people!

I love watching Isabelle interact with people. She is so loving and has such a big personality. She loves without holding back. I am becoming a better person because of her!

There are many more happy tears than sad tears lately.  Yes, I still have fears but now I see my Isabelle and not just the DS. 

Sister is amazing and I believe that others will see that too!

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