Isabelle is here!!
Isabelle shortly after the delivery. She is very swollen! |
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Mommy and Isabelle before she is transported. |
By 12:30, I had the epidural and at 1:30 Isabelle was here! That was one quick delivery. Needless to say, the epidural didn't have time to fully kick in but I survived. She weighed 8lbs. 15 ozs. and was 20 1/4ins. long She definitely didn't want to be left out so she had follow in her brother's footsteps by being big!
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Ethan didn't know what to think about his sister hooked up to all of the wires. |
Daddy and Isabelle having some bonding time. |
Ryan, Mimi and Papa decided that they would go ahead and leave to get things ready to meet Isabelle in Pensacola. Thankfully, my Mom and Stephanie stayed with me so I wasn't alone. I don't think I could have handled that.
The transport team brought Isabelle in before they left to explain everything and it was very hard to hold it together. The team was very encouraging and supportive but she looked so fragile in that bed and I wasn't the one that was going to be there protecting her. I felt helpless. That night was very rough- my mind was spinning and my emotions were all over the place. I didn't get much sleep even though the nurse had given me a sleeping pill. I woke up every few hours in tears and longed just to hold my baby.
Thankfully, Dr. E came in bright and early the next morning to discharge me so I could get to Pensacola and be with Isabelle. As soon as they released me, Mom and I got on the road. We rushed around to get things for our trip since we didn't know how long we would be staying in Pensacola. It seemed like I couldn't move fast enough. I felt Mom was driving way too slow (which she wasn't) but I am sure even if we were driving 100mph, I would have felt that I couldn't get to Isabelle fast enough.
By 2pm, I was sitting with my baby in the level 3 area of the NICU. This was an eye opening experience. My first thought after seeing Isabelle next to the other babies was that she sure didn't look like she belonged here ( I think the other parents were thinking the same thing). My baby was a giant compared to these other tiny infants. Her little neighbor was a 3lb. preemie!
Ryan and I learned a lot in this short week. We had many visits from social workers, doctors and other agencies. We quickly learned what our new life would be like. During that week we had to take CPR classes and complete a "room in" with Isabelle. We passed both!
This week was so hectic and the days seemed to fly by but also time stood still (if that is possible). Ryan would have to remind me to slow down and rest since I did just have a baby. I didn't feel like I had time to rest, I needed to spend every waking moment with Isabelle. I felt guilty when I had to leave or just needed to rest. I didn't want Isabelle to be alone.
The nights remained the hardest since I couldn't be with Isabelle. I was completely exhausted and overwhelmed with emotions.
Most days, I was sure the nurses and other parents thought I was a a bit crazy. I was fine one moment and then crying the next. A lot of times, I would excuse myself just so I could find a quiet place to cry and let everything out. That first week was so emotionally draining and I never knew I had that many tears.
Slowing Isabelle gained her strength and was taken off of oxygen. Then she was moved to the level 2 NICU. This was a huge accomplishment and proved that she was getting better slowly but surely.

Before Isabelle could be released, she had to pass a car seat test. She was tested in her car seat for 90 minutes to make sure her oxygen levels and heart rate did not drop. I got her all set up on Friday night and gave her a little pep talk and then Mom and I left for the night. I was so nervous for her and so ready to get home but when we arrived Saturday morning, we learned that she had failed her test twice. My heart sank. Then I was told that they were going to test her in a car bed and if she passed, she would be sent home with the bed until she was able to sit in the regular car seat. Mom and I left during her test to grab some lunch. The entire time, I was praying for her. We finally got the call that made me want to do the happy dance. Isabelle had passed and we were going home!!
By Saturday evening, Isabelle and I were back home with our family. Our new family of 5!!
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Isabelle sleeping in her own bed |
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Ethan feeding Isabelle |
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Isabelle trying to get some beauty rest! |
I'm so very glad you and Isabelle had such a short hospital stay!! Whew! Happy you're all home together. Enjoy your sweet, beautiful new baby girl!!! Can't wait to hear more, but in the meantime, get lots of rest! :-)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! She is beautiful!!!! Your post reminded me so much of my delvery and Lily's transfer to the NICU an hour away. I am so sorry, as I know how very difficult that can be :( So glad you are all home now- baby Isabella is just the sweetest thing! Welcome to the club- you will love Holland :)
she is precious! thank you so much for sharing your story and so many pictures. congrats to you and your family.
I have tears! I can relate to this so much! I am looking fwd to following your journey! It is a blessing not because it is all sunshine and lollipops, but because it is not and you will know just who you are because of this one little person AND you will cherish her for it. Congrats!
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