Friday, April 1, 2011


Who knew underwear was considered a bad word?!?  I am in big trouble if it is because I am pretty sure I tell the boys about 10 times each morning, "time to put on your underwear!".  Well... according to Aiden, underwear is something he should not be saying.  Wow! I must be a really strict Mom.
While we were eating dinner last night, Aiden explained that one of his friends was trying to get him to say a bad word on the playground.  Before we knew what the word was, we started explaining that no one can really make you say something.  You choose to say it or not.  So... if you don't think you should repeat something that is being said...then don't.  He then went on to tell us the rest of the story.  (this information would have been helpful before our little lecture)
On the playground, his friend was telling him that he could make him say the word "underwear" and Aiden's reply was "I won't say that word".  So his friend kept saying "look under there... look under there!"  Aiden turned and said "look under where?" (underwear)  This friend is a smart one!!  Ryan and I definitely got a good laugh out of that one. 
I think it is time I explain that "underwear" really isn't a bad word.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hehehe...I remember when words like that held such ominous and naughty meanings, too. But usually it was because someone was calling someone else the word. LOL The Spanish word for panties was a particularly harsh one...