Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dinner out with cranky pants...

I took the kids to dinner and I had 3 cranky pants on my hands!  This made for a not so fun least for me.  I don't think the kids noticed or cared at the moment. But at least I did get my chips and salsa so I can't complain too much!
It is all fun and games...
someone gets mad!
As you can tell... Aiden isn't bothered by what is going on a few inches from him.  Aiden is always in his own little world!

The boys do love their Sister!!  They tell her all the time that they will always take care of her.  This warms my heart!

After dinner can you guess where we went...
This isn't safe and it didn't last long!  The boys insisted that Izzy wanted to ride on their lap.  Not even a minute later... they realized Mommy knew what I was talking about and we changed carts.
Why yes, we are at  Target again! Don't judge!!
I have always been a person on the go and now with the boy's in sports... I don't really have a choice.  So since Ryan works most nights now, the kids and I like to be out and about and not sitting around the house.  Well.. it is probably more just me and the kids have had to learn that Mommy likes to be out and about.
I really do need to learn to sit still.  This is a bad habit of mine.  I always feel like I need to be up and doing something.  Probably because with three kids, there is always something that needs to be done and I will quickly stress out when things are left undone.  I wonder if I will ever change to where I won't be bothered by dishes in my sink, toys on the floor or clothes on the couch.  Nah... probably not!
I probably should have put this habit in my New Year's Resolution of things to change in 2013.  But who is kidding themselves... my new year's resolutions have already been kicked to the curb and we are not even finished with January yet.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It is time for you to go...

RSV... I don't like you.  It is time for you to go...
Last Tuesday, we started off our morning with two dentist appointments (Aiden and I).  We both did the happy dance because we left with clean reports.  No cavities!!  This is big news in our household.  Both boys have had major issues with their teeth these last few years.  I no longer go to the appointments because I can't handle the news.   I always leave feeling like a bad parent so I make Ryan go.  How nice of me, right?!?   But I couldn't get out of this appointment since I had my cleaning right afterwards.  Boo!
Oh and yeah, I enjoyed seeing my dentist so much that I had to make another visit the next day.  That afternoon, I thought I would do the boys a favor and eat a piece of their bubble gum (because they don't really need it... cavities) and it was so hard that I chipped my tooth.  This explains just a little of how my week has gone so far.
After our appointments, Izzy and I headed to the doctor.  Sister has been feeling under the weather and it was time to get checked out.  Her doctor was out of the office.  He is out on Tuesdays and wouldn't you guess it that Tuesdays are the days that she needs to be seen.  Isn't that how it always works?!?  Another doctor was able to see her and we were in and out within 15 minutes- unheard of!  We found out that she has bronchitis.  Poor thing!  We got some antibiotics and we were on our way. 
Over the next 2 days, she didn't get better and had stopped eating, drinking and started running a fever so back to the doctor we went.  This time, her doctor was available which would normally make her happy.  She loves Dr. K and his nurse.  Bad news... she had lost a pound in two days and now she has RSV.  More medicine and now breathing treatments every 4 hours. 
Ryan called me after their appointment and asked me to come home early because he was so frazzled. During her breathing treatment in the office, she slapped her nurse twice and then pulled her doctor's stethoscope out of his ears. I think they will forgive her since this was way out of character for her. But just in case, I will make sure she apologizes at her follow up appointment.  We want to stay on their good side.

Izzy is such an easy baby even when she is sick (most of the time). But this RSV is kicking her biscuits. She is not sleeping, eating and is extremely clingy. Makes for getting anything done impossible. My house is a disaster and I think the boys finally had a bath yesterday. At least I am remembering to feed them!

We are giving Izzy breathing treatments every 4 hours but she isn't a fan.  Antibiotics are done and we are continuing her other medicines in hopes that this RSV leaves soon.
We have found that sleeping is the best way to give her the treatments without getting slapped but did I mention that she isn't sleeping at all.  What's up with Sister slapping all of the sudden?!? 

Oh, and by the way, this is the outfit she wore to her doctors appointment!  Can you tell her Daddy took her?!?  She is in Christmas Pjs- at the end of January.  We gladly sport our Christmas Pjs all year long at the house but not normally out and about because that would just be silly.
So, we are getting very little sleep in our house right now- minus the boys... they haven't skipped a beat.  Izzy will go to sleep fine but will wake up screaming through out the night.  After the screaming has started, the only way she will sleep is by lying on our chest.  An hour is about my limit of holding Izzy while sleeping and then my skin starts to crawl so Ryan has to take over.  I feel like I am trapped!  Would that be considered- being claustrophobic??  Who knows but I just don't like it!
Izzy and I have been seeing the sun rise a lot this past week.  While it is beautiful, I would much rather be sleeping.
Morning hugs
A little morning with Sponge Bob... not Mommy's favorite cartoon.

I am sick but I am still beautiful!
Izzy is drinking like a champ now- which makes me less worried about dehydration but she still won't eat much.  Cheez-its are her new best friend.  Whatever Sister wants, she gets- at this point.  Hopefully, I am not creating a monster!
A few nights ago, I cooked her up some delicious scrambled eggs (that is about how far my cooking skills go)- not interested.  Then I tried some macaroni and cheese- not interested. 
NO Mommy... I don't want those scrambled eggs!
Next, cinnamon rolls.  She scarfed down two!  Definitely not healthy but it was better than nothing. 
Oh, and notice the candle in the back.  While it smells absolutely wonderful... it did not relieve any stress!  False advertisement or maybe I just need something a little stronger than a candle at this point.
So we are now a week past Izzy's original doctors appointment and while she is slowly getting better, she still has a ways to go.
Just chilling on her new bean bag that she has taken over from her brothers.  You snooze... you lose boys!
Izzy and I were getting a little bored so I started experimenting with her hair.  By the look on her face... I don't think she was too happy with me.  I need to do a lot more practicing before she gets more hair.
Where's Bam Bam?!?

Just hanging out with Mom.  I won't let her get too far away from me or I scream.  It is my new trick and it works for now.

Bored again!  Just sitting around making faces.
We have a follow up on Thursday and we are praying for a good report.  We hope to see our easy going Izzy back in the house soon!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

No room for Mommy

This is what happens when I have to get up and get ready for work.  Two little boys move in and take over my spot.  I think we need a bigger bed!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Just a little fun...

It has been very warm for January so we have been spending some good quality time outside every chance we get.
Sister loves to slide.  Her brothers will rarely let her slide by herself so she had to be quick while they weren't looking.

 Get out of here brothers!!  Isabelle didn't appreciate them photo bombing.
 Look at Izzy standing- with the help of Aiden. 
 My three crazy kids.
Love me some family time!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Guest blogger for the day

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Newest little Holt

Meet Pip Squeak...
The newest addition to our family.   If you know me... you are probably wondering how this little critter ever made its way into our home.  Well... I wonder that myself.
It went a little something like this...
Last Friday we took the kids to Cici's- "Welcome to Cici's"- and the tradition is to visit the Pet store before we head home.  Thinking this was going to be a quick visit, I held my breath and entered.  Pet stores are stinky! 
We checked out all the animals.  Izzy did a lot of Oh-ing but she wasn't impressed with this bird.   Can you tell?!?
*If you haven't seen Ryan in a while- don't get worried.  He looks a little too skinny (I wish the camera did that for me!) but he is healthyand weighs about the same as usual :) .  He was talking while I was taking this picture.*
Some how we ended up leaving with a new pet guinea pig but he has quickly become part of the family.  He is the sole responsibility of the boys and so far they are doing pretty good.  Ethan seems to disappear when it is time to clean up his cage but we are working on that.
Pip doing a little exercising with Izzy.   Izzy is not allowed to be near Pip by herself.  We quickly learned that gentle is not in her vocabulary.  She likes to squeeze and poke him in the eyeball.
 Saying good night.

Playing a video game with Ryan. 

I think he is going to fit in perfectly. 
I was told these animals are very social and will more than likely need a friend.  I thought we could be his friend but we are starting to figure out that by "friend" that means someone a little smaller and with a lot more hair.  He seems to be a little lonely so I wouldn't be surprised if he soon gets a playmate.   The important thing for us to make sure is that we get another male.  We can't have any babies popping up in the near future!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Evaluation time...

Isabelle is almost 20 months (on the 23rd) and now there are days that pass before Down Syndrome even crosses my mind.  When she was born, it was all I thought about.  Now... I just see my little girl- Isabelle.  Until... evaluation time.
We had her PT evaluation this past week.  This is a requirement by the State for her to be enrolled in the Early Steps program.  One of the requirements is to show the age range at which she is functioning at this time.  These are done every six months and every six months, I go into a major funk for a few days.  There is something about seeing these completed evaluations on paper- it sucks the wind out of my sail.   I will give myself major pep talks over the next few days which involve focusing on Isabelle's strengths and her personality so I know I will be ok because she will be ok.
I choose to spend my time focusing on Isabelle's strengths and the day to day happenings.  If I look too far into the future or compare Isabelle to her peers, that is when fear and sadness can happen.  These evaluations definitely don't sugar coat anything and it isn't easy seeing where my baby measures up to other typical children.  I know she is behind.  If I choose to be- I could be reminded of this on a daily basis.  I see it when I pick her up from daycare, when she is around her cousins, kids at church or in the store.   I could see the differences everywhere I look.  But I choose to see the similarities.  Isabelle is a baby like every other baby.  Her needs and wants are the same.  She laughs, loves and cries just like everyone else. She just has a little something extra.  That little something extra makes her have to work so much harder than other kids just to do those everyday tasks- like crawling, walking and talking.

She will still conquer all the things - walking, crawling, jumping- that other kids can do but it will just come a little slower for her and she will have to work 100 times harder.  But Sister is a fighter.  She fought to be born, she fought to take her first breathe and she fought during her OHS and she won.    
Plus... who could stay sad for long looking at this beautiful face?!?
I have asked her ST to give me a heads up before her evaluation so I can try and prepare myself.  Lets see if that works.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Bonding time

Each morning, I look forward to my quiet time with Isabelle.  I set my alarm only to press snooze about five times.  Secretly I am waiting for Isabelle to start stirring so I can enjoy a few minutes of cuddle time before getting ready for work.  Without fail, Isabelle starts making some noise and I go in and pick her up and we snuggle for a good 10-15 minutes.  Most days, this puts me behind and I end up rushing to get ready and run out the door but I don't want to miss my special time with Izzy. 
 My Isabelle is growing up too fast... 
 Everyday she is learning something new and changing.  I want to remember everything- big and small.  She is my last baby and all my babies are growing up way too fast.
I enjoy my few minutes of special bonding time each morning.   Even though I rush around like a mad woman... to me, it is worth it.
    I sure do love you Izzy!  I am so blessed to be your Mommy.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Aiden's 1st grade program

Aiden's school program was so good this year!  I tried my best to make him look like a cutest dog in town.  I am not the most crafty person - even though I would love to be.  After his dress rehearsal, he came home saying some kids had laughed at him.  That meant Mommy had to step it up with his costume.  The pressure was on and I felt it.  I cut out spots... lots of spots, glued ribbon over sparkles so his doggie ears wouldn't look so girly and I did my best with making a doggie tail.  Not to toot my own horn but I think Aiden looked pretty darn good. 
Bonus... I was actually able to see him during his performance.  This is the first play with both boys that I was able to watch them perform.  He even saw us in the audience and gave us a double thumbs up.

 Izzy loved the play.  She danced and waved at her brother.
 Ethan on the other hand played his DS.
 Yay Aiden!!
 Another successful school program!

Monday, January 7, 2013


I love Target.  I could walk around that store for hours because there is always something I can find on clearance.  Now... I am sure I don't need it but the searching is fun-  a treasure hunt.
Ryan was working so the kids and I loaded into the car for a trip to Target.  I was envisioning a relaxing time full of laughs and "window" shopping. 
But... I got this instead
100+ pounds to lug around the store. I worked up a sweat and rammed into everything.  Not my idea of fun!
As you can see, Isabelle enjoyed herself.  She had it easy... eat and wave at all the shoppers. 
Isabelle was quite the entertainer that night.  At one point, I was busy looking at something and I turned around to see she had a little audience.  She was singing and dancing in her seat and obviously enjoyed being the center of attention.
Afterwards, we headed home for a quick dinner.
Obviously, Izzy didn't think it was quick enough...
Izzy laid right in front of the stove until dinner was served.  My little drama queen! - don't judge my quick dinner choice.  Not healthy at all but we were all starving and did I mention... Ryan was working.  He does most of the cooking at our house.  I am not a fan of cooking and he works most nights so this is not a good combination for our family.
The next morning, Izzy and I ran back out to Target to finish stocking up on clearance toys so I could restock my gift closet.
This trip was much more relaxing and now I am set for all the birthday parties the kids might be invited to this year.  Gotta love that!!
Oh and yes, Izzy had an audience again.  I am starting to get used to people stopping to talk to her during our outings.  It has taken some time for me to adjust but Sister loves people and they seem to love her.

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year happenings

On New Years Eve, we took the boys ice skating at Baytowne.   I experienced major Mommy guilt about leaving Izzy at daycare but I knew both Ryan and I would need to help the boys skate. 
Chad, Steph and the cousins came with so we knew we would have a great time! 
We started with lunch and I quickly realized my dream day full of fun was not in the cards for us.  During lunch Aiden began having an asthma attack.  Of course, his inhaler was in the diaper bag- which we didn't have.  So after lunch, we headed over to the Pharmacy to see if there was anything we could do.  Thirty minutes of waiting but then I had an inhaler in my hands.  I am thinking that Aiden wasn't as bad off as he was initially claiming because he was still alive and kicking after waiting the 30 minutes.  But we are now better prepared and will keep an extra inhaler around just in case.  This put us all (at least Ryan and I) in a mood but I was determined we were going to have a great time. 
The boys loved ice skating especially once we got them to stop hanging on to the wall for dear life. 

Towards the end, the boys gained confidence and did great.  We will definitely have to go again before they close up for the season.
After skating, we went home to rest for a bit and then the kids and I headed over to Nana and Papa's to play some marbles and enjoy some family time.
The adults tried to play a competitive game of aggravation with a room full of kids... not too successful.  The boys plus Mikayla won so the girls are demanding a redo.

 Izzy loves to stand now so I propped her up against the couch for her to see the world at a different angle.

 Papa bought a few fireworks over the state lines so the kids thought he was awesome. 
 Izzy interrupted the kids game of aggravation by aggravating the kids.
What night is complete without a little wrestling?!?
 These two little kiddos didn't last too late and we were not that far behind.
 We had a trying year in 2012 so we are excited to start a new year and a new chapter.  Hoping for great things and new opportunities.  Happy New Year!!