Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My feelings are hurt...

This is what I felt like doing this morning after leaving Ethan at school.

I didn't get a smile, a goodbye or a hug from Ethan this morning when we dropped him off at Daycare.  I think I got a half wave as he was walking away from me.  What???  I am not used to this.  Ethan has always been the one who doesn't like to be dropped off at daycare.  When he was little, they would have to pull him off of me.  Now that he is seven, thankfully he has grown out of that but... he still likes about 5 hugs, a few kisses and some reassurance that we will try and pick him up early.  This morning... nothing!!  Man, he hurt my feelings and I bet he doesn't even know it.  I have grown accustom to my many hugs from my boys in the morning and now I like them and need them to get through the day.
I am sure as tomorrow is a new day, the half wave will be forgotten and he will need his usual 5 hugs and kisses again.  A Mommy can hope, right?

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