Tuesday, January 18, 2011

20 week update- High risk appointment

Today we had our 20 week high risk appointment and we were praying for some good news!
*I have only gained a total of 2 pounds!!  Now... if you look at me, you would think I was lying but the doctor's scale don't lie, right??
*We found out that the testing from the amino showed that there weren't any infections from the fluid that was showing during the first appointment.  Also, we weren't able to see any fluid around her neck and the doctor didn't mention any of the fluid around her lungs.  These were all things that were showing at the last appointment!
*Her heart defect is called an AV canal defect. Ryan and I were able to see a little piece of the wall that is there now that we couldn’t see the first time. Her heart would no longer require emergency surgery but she would still need surgery around 3-6 months after birth to fix the defect. The vessels on either side of the canal are in good shape and are balanced (the same size). (which is good, from our understanding, because this would have made things more of an emergency and also a much more difficult surgery.)
*All of her other organs are looking good and they don’t see any problems with their development.  This is something we had forgotten to ask about during the last appointment so I have been worried for a month. 
*With DS, the baby's limbs can be shorter than with other babies.  The doctor said as of right now hers are a little shorter but he said nothing abnormal and they might continue to catch up before birth.
*My cervix looks good at this point so I seem to have been worrying about that for nothing. I have started to have a few Braxton Hicks and they seem to be a little more uncomfortable than I remember with Aiden.  So I was starting to freak out that I must be dilating each time I would have a small contraction. (Ok... I know that this is possibly overacting but I am entitled to that every now and then!)  My worst fear is that I will have to go on bed rest with this pregnancy.  I know that I didn't die or suffer much from being on bed rest with Aiden but it was very depressing.  Plus now, we have 2 very active boys that require a lot of attention and to top it off... they will be starting baseball season soon (which takes over your life)... it might be too much for my poor husband to handle by himself.  So I am keeping my legs and fingers crossed plus praying that these progesterone shots will do their magic and keep Isabelle nice and cozy inside my belly until just the right time. 
*I will more than likely have to deliver in Pensacola to be safe.  I am OK with this other than I would love for my OB to actually deliver the baby.  However,  I did learn that I wouldn’t have to have a c-section.  I don't know if this is just something I thought up on my own but I wasn't sure due to her heart if I could deliver naturally (naturally with drugs, of course).
*I will get a call within the next week or so to get set up with a Pediatric doctor/cardiologist (in Pensacola).  I am still waiting to find out if she will now be my primary doctor along with my high risk doctor. Thankfully my work has been very understanding about my extra doctor appointments but I don't want to press my luck!
*Today, Isabelle was very active which made it more difficult for the tech to get some readings she needed. After an hour long ultrasound, we were both done with the tech pressing on my belly.
And of course...even though I wrote down all of my questions, I still seem to have forgotten some!

So overall, this appointment was a very encouraging. We are still praying for Isabelle and that we will continue to get good news in the weeks to come.


Krista said...

Tonya!!! I am so encouraged for you by this post!! This seems like things are correcting themselves...and I am so happy to hear it!! ALways praying for Isabelle, Love the name btw!!

*Also Dr. Blanchard(Peds Cardiology) @ Nemours in Pcola is really amazing! He was so good with Ayla and she was oh so little...just a suggestion*

Reese73 said...

So happy to hear this good news. We will continue to pray for Isabelle. <3

Dawn Strickland said...

Wow...I love this good news report!! I know it doesn't take away from the concerns you still have....but isn't that just like God to make sure WE, as the parent (and HIS child) are taken care of, so we can in fact, do our job...nurture our own families and His people!! Still praying and believing. Thanks for allowing us to be a part of this Miracle baby. You're such a strong person and God's light and love shines through every post you write!!

Becca said...

Happy to hear such good news! Samantha had AV canal surgery at one day shy of 4 months old, at CHOP in Philly. Let me know if you have any questions about our own experiences with life leading up to it, and recovery afterwards... :-)

genealogy said...

my name is Cheryl I have been where you are at now, if you want to talk or have questions feel free to contact me at bossymom1969@sbcglobal.net